I was planning on going to the gym today but I didn't make it :(. I wanted to go to the 5:30 Body Pump at Goodlife (a weight training class), but I ended up making supper and going to visit my boyfriend's family instead. Oh well, there are still many days in the week. I think I am going to go to hot yoga tomorrow as my month long pass is about to expire.
Last night I registered with http://www.diet.com/to check out my diet personality. These were my results:
Your eating personality is Steady Snacker
Steady Snackers have a diet of unplanned snacking throughout the day and night, whether they're hungry or not. In addition to eating regular meals, you've developed a habit of not being able to turn down food that's within your easy reach. You see others pass up a plate of cookies, a bowl of nuts or a nearby vending machine and wonder if you'll ever be able to do the same.
Your exercising personality is All-or-Nothing Doer
All-or-Nothing Doers alternate between working out excessively and being sedentary. You are a goal-oriented, driven person who approaches exercise like you do other life projects. You're either on track with your exercise program, working out to the max, or you're off, which means you're on the couch and out of the gym.
Your coping personality is Fast Pacer
Fast Pacers don't know how to slow down their hectic pace of life. You're a productive person with a lot on your plate. You're an expert at juggling and multi-tasking, but you feel frazzled a lot of the time. You see others finding the time during their busy workweek for relaxation or visiting their health club and you wonder when your turn will come.
This was completely accurate. Unfortunately to get the personality diet, which helps you target your problem areas I had to upgrade and pay some money. However in this process I discovered the "diet solution program" which after doing some research is not a scam, and I am purchasing the 21 day trial for $4.95. (The full thing is like 48 dollars, which isn't crazy). Eeks, buying things off the internet..scary times.
What made me do this is the fact that the diet solution sounds legit, it allows good carbs (fruits and veggies) and has charts and figures, etc etc. It also comes with a billlion books, so even if the weight loss doesn't happen I will probably get my money worth just by reading the books. I have also discovered that I am a protein type metabolism, meaning I respond better to proteins and should lower my carb intake..Nooooooo!
I am going to try this diet thinger and I will let you know how it goes!