Starting Point

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 52-58 Seriously off track

I don't even want to write this blog post.  This week my plans of getting on track failed epically. Here are the details:

For the past 19 days, I have officially worked out twice. I have been on a lot walks, but they barely count.

My food journal from the past week is laughable. Some of the healthier items include veggie pizza, and when it is from a pizza place, it isn't that healthy!

What has happened to all my motivation and progress!!!   Realizing this wonderful fact that I haven't gone to the gym at all in the past month is a serious wake up call. I am really going to try to go 3-5 times a week like I was originally. I have scheduled a gym date with my friend tomorrow morning. Having to be accountable to someone else is motivation to go to the gym which I desperately need!

Food on the other hand is a bit of an issue. On Friday I go to visit my boyfriends family for Easter in Cape Breton, this means lots of homemade food (which is delicious), and then I come back to my apartment for a week, pack up all my stuff, move across town for the summer, and then leave for a two week road trip. So for the next month I will have no routine, or need to buy healthy groceries.

I think I am going to do some research on "How to Stay Healthy on a Road Trip." I will keep you posted on my finds!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 49-51 Halfway point

It didn't occur to me that the halfway point of my 100day challenge was going to fall on my Birthday. Bad luck indeed. I did have cake and ice cream, and a skinny vanilla latte yesterday. It was a birthday after all. 

This week is not going well at all. The birthday issues aside, I have gotten completely bored of going to the gym, and lazy about cooking. Part of that reason was because I did get sick, so I got out of my routine. Now I need to get back in before I fall off track completely. 

I haven't gone to the gym/zumba in a week, I have been going for walks almost every day because the weather has been so nice, but a stroll at the waterfront doesn't count as a "workout". Tonight I am going to Yoga, and I am going to try to go to the gym every day for the rest of the week, just to get back into it. It is so funny how going to the gym gives you energy. Once I start going I want to go more, but just going takes so much effort. 

I also need to get the food back on track. It is exam time for most of my friends/boyfriend and I am finding myself slipping into the habits of exam snacking even though I personally am not writing exams. After my blog post/rant about non-processed food I went out on Monday and bought an entire grocery order that was in boxes, or packages. I felt ashamed haha. 

I think once I get back into routine, going to the gym will give me the motivation to eat healthy and eating good food will give me the energy to go to the gym. Vicious circle!

Day 50, 6 pounds down, 10 to go. Not sure I can loose 10 pounds in 50 days, but we shall see!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 45-48 Sicky and Soup

That cold that I had on Wednesday is finally going away! Yay! 

This weekend has been absolutely gorgeous outside, so on Friday I managed to go for a walk despite the cold, and today was another walking day. Not quite Zumba, or Body Pump, but at least it was something!

This weekend wasn't too bad for food or drinks. I had one glass of wine on Saturday and had half of a piece of Coconut Cream pie (it was a birthday thing!). Other than that, it wasn't quite "Diet Solution" worthy, but nothing too crazy (toast, soup, thai food, fish etc.) This week I am going to try to get back on track with the diet, going back to eggs, and veggies, and keeping the carbs healthy. 

One of the components of the Diet plan is the fact that most of the stuff should be organic and non-processed. The idea is that your liver and kidneys deal with all the processed stuff  as toxins, so if your body is dealing with processing "Monosodium Glutamate" it can't get rid of fat fast enough. I am by no means a nutritionist or medical professional, so I have no idea if it is true. But something about eating actual food instead of chemicals can't be a bad thing. 

For me, this doesn't mean buying everything organic and pesticide free (I still like a bargain) but I try to buy most of my meat and veggies at the farmers market, and I adjust my meal plans to what looks good at the market. Another trick is to avoid the center aisles at the grocery store. No crackers, cereal, pasta sauces, canned soup, and of course the junk food (pop chips etc). 

So last week I made Potato Leek soup with market potato and leeks, organic chicken broth (on sale!), and celery and carrots, and some salt, pepper and thyme. That just feels better than canned soup!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 42-44 Weigh in

This week I lost..wait for it...2.2 pounds**!!! What up! For those of you following along at home, this was because I was sans-appetite last week, so my food consumption was low. And I went to Zumba 5 times last week. So far this week I have been eating more (which is good), and I went to the gym on Monday, but not the past two days, because now that little sore throat from last week has turned into a full blown cold...bleh.

One side effect of my diet has been less bad hair days. I will explain. The "Diet Solution" recommends a daily fish oil supplement. Fish oil pills have Omega 3 fats in it, which helps with a variety of things like fighting depression, improves cardiovascular health, and has anti-cancer properties. The other benefits, are the effects on skin, hair and nails. It helps dry skin and scalp, and strengthens nails and hair.

I have been taking fish oil supplements for about a month now. In the past my hair has been dry, coarse and dull. And now suddenly, it is manageable, shiny, and looks like I just had a hair cut. I am convinced it is the fish oil. (I made this correlation today, I was very excited about it, hence this post).

I'm loosing weight, have shiny hair, life is good. Now I just need to get rid of this pesty cold!

**I weighed myself like 10 times in the past two days because I didn't believe it

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 38-41 I Survived the Weekend

Finally a blog post where I can say I had a decent weekend! No drinks (diet coke and club soda when I did go out with my friends) and no major junk food issues either. And more good news...this week I finally "went to the gym" 5 times, which was something I have been trying to do since January. I went to 5 Zumba classes, so lots of Cardio! I'm going to try to throw in some strength training this upcoming week.

This week my diet has been iffy. I haven't been feeling great (little sore throat nbd) so on Wednesday I ate comfort carbs (toast, whole wheat pasta) and since then I have had no appetite. I haven't been eating 3 full meals a day, and I know that isn't good. For those who don't know, skipping meals triggers your brain that you are starving, so when you do eat, your body holds on to all that food because it doesn't know when the next one is coming.

This is what happens to me if I am busy especially when I was in school, I tend to skip meals, and then I would eat one unhealthy meal (like pizza). This time, at least I am eating healthy stuff for that one meal/snacks but it still isn't ideal. I am going to try to get back on track tomorrow, get on a schedule and actually plan my meals. I went to the Market yesterday, so now I have a fridge full of delicious food just waiting to be cooked!

This weekend I made brownies (yah I know that isn't really "low sugar", but everyone needs some chocolate), and keeping with the "healthy" tradition, I made the brownies with beets! (Old school red velvet cake used beets too!)

I got my recipe from BBC Good Food, so all the measurements were in grams, but here is my version all converted for ya!

4 Medium beets
1/2 Cup of Butter
200g Bar of 70% Dark Chocolate (you must use dark chocolate, or else the brownies will be too sweet)
1 tsp Vanilla
1 1/4 Cup of Sugar
1 Cup of Plain Flour
1/4 Cup of Cocoa Powder

1. Peel and cut the beets into chucks-your hands will turn red, but it washes off. Put in a microwavable bowl with a splash of water. Cover with plastic wrap and microwave for 12+ minutes. (It took mine 17 min to get tender).

2. Heat the oven to 350, and grease a glass baking pan (20 x 30 cm).  Put eggs and sugar in a large bowl and beat together using a hand mixer. Should be "pale and foamy." Or whisk briskly for 5 minutes if no hand mixer is available.

3. Carefully remove beets (they are hot), drain off water, and put in a blender. Add chunks of chocolate, and squares of butter, and vanilla. Blend until smooth. The chocolate and butter melt from the hot beets. (Food processor would work better).

4.Fold beet mixture into egg mixture. Sift in flour and cocoa powder into bowl. Pour into pan.

5. Bake for 25 minutes or until "just the merest quiver under the centre of the crust when you shake the pan." Cool completely in pan. Note: they are so moist that they don't look like they are cooked when they are done. Actually do the shaky pan thing to see if they are ready!

They are delicious! Fun game: don't tell your friends there are beets in them, they will never know!