Starting Point

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 42-44 Weigh in

This week I lost..wait for it...2.2 pounds**!!! What up! For those of you following along at home, this was because I was sans-appetite last week, so my food consumption was low. And I went to Zumba 5 times last week. So far this week I have been eating more (which is good), and I went to the gym on Monday, but not the past two days, because now that little sore throat from last week has turned into a full blown cold...bleh.

One side effect of my diet has been less bad hair days. I will explain. The "Diet Solution" recommends a daily fish oil supplement. Fish oil pills have Omega 3 fats in it, which helps with a variety of things like fighting depression, improves cardiovascular health, and has anti-cancer properties. The other benefits, are the effects on skin, hair and nails. It helps dry skin and scalp, and strengthens nails and hair.

I have been taking fish oil supplements for about a month now. In the past my hair has been dry, coarse and dull. And now suddenly, it is manageable, shiny, and looks like I just had a hair cut. I am convinced it is the fish oil. (I made this correlation today, I was very excited about it, hence this post).

I'm loosing weight, have shiny hair, life is good. Now I just need to get rid of this pesty cold!

**I weighed myself like 10 times in the past two days because I didn't believe it

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