Starting Point

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 51-Gotta get the METs

It is day 51!! I have lost 10 pounds since I started this challenge (again) which is awesome!!!! I have 10 to go to reach my goal, so I am right on track :).

Disclaimer...I am obviously not a professional, and I find all my info on the interwebs, this is just some interesting stuff I found about diet and exercise recently.

I have started recording how many METs I am burning after reading this interesting article from Basically 1 MET is how many calories you burn at rest for one hour. (Decent Calculator here, just divide your result by 24hrs!) So if you jog at a brisk pace you burn 5-6 METs or 5 times your resting rate. There are a ton of different tables that list the MET level for each activity this one from the YCMA is pretty good!

This website lists some goals to go for each week shown below:

30 or more MET-hours/week of at least moderate intensity activities (3.5 METs per hour or more) - excellent
20 to 29 MET-hours/week - very good
12 to 19 MET-hours/week - satisfactory (but, you should still try for 20 MET-hours/week or more of at least moderate intensity activities.

Normally I get I am around 24-29 MET hours a week of moderate to vigorous activity, so that makes sense that I am seeing some results on the scale!!

On Thursday I went to Bodyflow as per usual. There was a BBQ at work, so I cheated and had a sausage instead of going with the low fat grilled chicken option. Sometimes you got to live a little right :).

Friday I didn't go to the gym to give myself a rest for Saturday, because on Saturday I did CITY CHASE!!! The details of the race are going to be on my other blog shortly, but basically from a fitness perspective, it involved racing around the city for 6 hours doing crazy challenges. So going back to my MET business, on Saturday alone I got 26.6 METs! Because of this I had some pasta on Friday night to Carb up, had a PB+J sandwich on the track, and some delicious Vector "protein bars" (lets be serious, it was an amped up chocolate bar). And I didn't feel too guilty about all that carb love because I knew I was burning it off doing city chase.

However, I had mad salad cravings!! Who knew that by not eating my standard salad at lunch I would be missing my spinach! There is a severe grocery shortage in my house at the moment, so tonight we had pasta again with chicken and tomatoes and onions, but still a lack of the leafy greeness. So I am going to back on track tomorrow, with a big-ol-plate of vegs. Nom nom.

The other thing city chase made me realize is my running needs some serious work for me to run a 5km. I was  totally able to power walk the whole course and felt pretty good, but when we actually had to run, I quickly lost my breath and got really tired. I partially blame it on the humidity, but I really do need to get running to get ready for the 5 k in 50 days!

50 days down, 50 more to go! If I do as well for the next 50 days as I have for the first ones, I will hopefully get to call this totally typical weight loss challenge a success :).

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