Starting Point

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 33- Rollerblading and Mahi Mahi

This week I tried something newish..ROLLERBLADING!

I haven't been rollerblading since I was about 12, but after my walk two weeks I decided to buy some. After the crazy heat last week finally died down on Sunday, Mike and I went out and tried rollerblading. Mike is a really good rollerblader, and I was so afraid I was going to wipe out...but it turns out I am actually not too bad at it! We ended up going 16km! What a great way to spend a Sunday evening!

I have been doing really well with the gym (Zumba Mondays, Body Pump Tuesdays, rest wednesday, Bodyflow Thursdays, Run on Friday, Rollerblading on Saturday, Bodyflow Sunday is my plan) And last week the classes actually seemed to be getting easier!

Diet wise, I am not doing too badly. I am allowing myself one cheat meal a week (Friday night), and no junk food snacks!! On Sunday during the Rollerblade we ended up stopping and getting junk food for supper along the water (Fries and a chicken burger) and it wasn't even that good. I totally regretted it, felt crappy afterwards, I would have much rather had a nice pasta dish with tons of veggies if I was going to splurge, not some deep fried "fake" food. Lesson learned.

Good news though.. yesterday I had a "old Kaylee vs. new Kaylee" moment. I was invited out to dinner with some people I know who where in town from Halifax. Old Kaylee would have skipped the gym, and probably got something decadent at the restaurant. But, it wasn't my cheat day, and I do love Body New Kaylee decided to go to the gym, was slightly late for supper (other people were forewarned), I looked at the menu online on my lunch break, picked the healthiest thing on the menu, and stuck to ordering it! It was delicious Mahi Mahi fish, with a plain baked potato and some veggies!

I haven't been weighing myself like the last 100 day challenge. I want this one to be more about the process and then hopefully in the end the results will show!  And no more gross junk food...blech.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 27-Moving Right Along and an Idea for Supper

So my motivation seems to be doing pretty good! No idea why I have suddenly changed my opinion about this whole weight loss challenge, but I like it!! I realized that this go around, I don't really care about the weight so much, and it kind of irks me that the title of this blog is the totally typical weight loss should really be called the totally typical get in shape challenge. I care way more about being able to run 5 k, lift more at body pump, and be more flexible because of yoga etc. I also like the mental state I am in after the gym, nice and relaxed! So many benefits other than just the number on the scale!

Since the last blog post I went to Bodyflow on Sunday morning, a super intense Zumba class on Monday, Body Pump on Tuesday, and Bodyflow today (even though it was about 50 degrees outside it was nice and cool at the gym). I have been pretty good with the diet, a few little ice cream treats (the 100 calorie ones) but nothing too crazy. Lots of spinach and low fat protein! 

I also have been taking my vitamins and drinking lots of water! Like a ridiculous amount of water for me. I try to finish two 750ml bottles at work, then about another litre-ish at home. The crazy thing is I should probably drink even more. I think that is why I used to feel so tired at school, I totally wasn't drinking enough water!

I was also told by a friend that I should put more recipes on my blog. The thing is I have kind of stopped using recipes and making my own creations...but here is a recipe of what I ate for supper last weekend instead of getting take out.

Super healthy pesto "pizza"
1 Pita
A ton of spinach (seriously I used half of a box of that prewashed baby spinach for 2 pitas)
1/2 cup of precooked pre peeled shrimpies from the freezer (I always have these guys on hand!)
1 tbsp cheese (feta goat cheese is delicious in this)
a little bit of olive oil
some spices
1/4 cup pine nuts (optional)

1. Blend/food process/chop the spinach, mix with olive oil, pine nuts if you've got em' and spices (basil and oregano for me!) Goal is to make a pesto like substance.
2. Spread mixture on pita
3. Rise shrimpies under water to defrost them, squeeze to get most of the water out
4. Put on top of spinach mixture, add cheese, black pepper more spices etc.
5. chuck in the microwave for 2 minutes or so until cheese melts
6. Nom.

It was so good!!!! I'm not even a huge fan of shrimp, but something about the combination of these ingrediants just went really well together! And the cool thing about this "pesto" is that it is a great way to get rid of past it's prime spinach!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 20- Training and Potlucks

Today work presented a challenge for me on the diet front.
Every new employee in my dept has to bring in Donuts/Timbits after their first pay day...or so I was told. So I arrived at work with 40 timbits and 12 donuts. I was going to have 2 timbits, because I knew there was no way I was going to have none...and I ended up having more than 2, more like 6 all morning. Not bad, but still. Then we had our monthly departmental meeting which was a potluck. So like most potlucks everyone brought a dish big enough for 20 people. I tried to limit myself, but still ate way too much. I felt so sicky the rest of the day.

So when it came to going to the gym tonight shortly after work, I really didn't want to. I wanted to go home and go to bed. HOWEVER..I geared myself up and and headed out to a Zumba class at a Goodlife 20 minutes from my apt. I started running on the way there because I was afraid I was going to be late, and then I realized I was enjoying the run so much, I didn't want to go inside to a gym (being inside all day has that effect). So I tried to run for as long as possible, and that was 15 minutes. I probably went 1 kilometer. If I want to do 5 km in 35 minutes, I am going to need to get training! So after running got too hard I decided it was way too nice out to just go home so I went on a 2 hour (power) walk along the Toronto water front! Came home nice and sweaty, and actually felt like I got a good work out in.

And amazingly, I was no longer tired, or felt full, and my stiff neck from sleeping weird last night even went away. Isn't it weird that the main reasons why I didn't want to do exercise were cured by exercise? So I came home and had nice healthy supper that was 3 veggies and 1 protein...aka chicken, and asparagus, zucchini and tomato and cucumber salad!! Nom Nom Nom!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 18- Nom Nom Exercise

Hola World!
So after my depressing blogs about me trying to get back into this totally typical weight loss challenge, I have officially gotten back on track and loving it!

On Sunday night I took some time made a fitness schedule and a food schedule and decided to stick with it. I realized I don't really have a hobby at the moment, so this is my new hobby. I used to do Student Goverment stuff at university, and that was my hobby. And there were some days where I didn't want to go to meetings/hold meetings/plan meetings etc, but I did anyway, so the gym is kind of the same. I know somedays I won't want to go, but I am just going to do it. And the after effects of the gym are way cooler than sitting in meetings :).

I went to Body Flow (Yogapilaties) yesterday which included a 25 minute power walk to the gym and a 25 minute not so power walk back. It was an awesome work out and really relaxing. Today I did "Awesome Abs" a 15 minute ab workout and then Body Pump right after work and now I am very sore. The body pump instructor is awesome! My shoulders are dying a little right now, but in a good way! And the fun continues all week!

Food wise I have made my own diet plan (maybe I will be super successful and market it and make millions...haha!). I have combined the "Diet Solution" low sugar, low carbs...with Canada's Food Guide (CFG)!Yay!!
Everyday I am eating 7 servings of fruits and vegs (mostly vegs and berries), 2 servings of dairy (plain greek yogurt, cottage cheese). This fits CFG. Where I differ is I am eating is 5 servings of protein (instead of the 2-3 recommended)    and 3 servings of Grains (instead of 5-10). So a typical day looks like this:
B- Cheerios, milk and blueberries
S- Almonds
L-Egg (I looovee eggs) spinach, mushrooms, green onions and yogurt and raspberries for dessert
S- Apple
Pre Gym Supper- Spinach, Tomatos, Chickpeas, Half a pita, some olive oil and spices
Post Gym- Supper Same as above without the pita!

I had a little cheat today, one of the girls at work was handing out small pastries and I took one without even thinking. I immediately regretted it!  Speaking of cheats I have scheduled in one non diet meal a week, like sushi or thai food!

Now time to go make lunch/supper for the next few days!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 14-Does anyone else hate the gym?

So if day 100 is October 2nd, it is already day 14! Yikes. So far on the training plan I..umm...umm..thought about going to the gym.

I had a moment yesterday (from being tired and cranky from not sleeping well) where I almost decided to never write this blog again, eat ice cream and not go to the gym and go for the laissez faire attitude and give up on this whole challenge. Thankful the boyfriend convinced me that I was being tired and cranky and to stick with it.

So with all that decided, I am going to go to the gym this weekend. Preferably an all women's gym.
This brings me to the topic of this post. The main reason I felt so bleh about the gym is the gym itself.
I did like the 3 times I have gone here, but at the same time feel intimidated to go back! It is a co-ed "professional" gym (aka most people go to the gym and go to work near by). I realized I spent part of my Zumba class criticizing myself in the mirror, and the body pump class I tried to do too many weights to "keep up" with the crowd.

I like gyms that have no mirrors and no people! My favorite class was Zumba/Aqua Zumba at the Dalplex because there were no mirrors..and I thoroughly enjoyed going to the women's only gym...way less intimidating, and less populated. I NEED to get moving if I am going to run 5k in 86 days! I tried running a long time on Monday, and I did 1.5 km at a good speed before stopping...progress needs to be made.

However food has gotten better thanks to my fancy smancy egg/toaster (see here for details).
It has been a few days of ooo lets put together stuff in the resulted in this:
Cauliflower, Celery, Mushrooms, Spices, and Shrimpies :D
Added that to some spinach for lunch the next day! Noms!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 1-Restart

Hi my name is Kaylee, and I am trying to lose 16 pounds(ish) in 100 days. Wait a minute...this sounds familiar.  I know, I already did this, but I like the 100 day thing. Conveniently, that corresponds to my first "competitive" 5k, the CIBC Run for the Cure.

I have restarted my food and fitness journal, I have a new kitchen to cook in, and now I am have the experience of my first attempt to know where I went wrong. Day one was actually June 24th, to correspond with the RFTC on October 2nd.

One thing that I have already been good at is going the gym. Last week I went 2 times (already beat my total for april) and swam on the weekend, and then this week I went today at 5:30 in the AM (YIKES!). I think by having a Goodlife next to my office is sweet motivation to get a workout in. When I wasn't working, it was easy to just not leave the house, but now if I am already there I have no excuses! The body pump instructor was awesome, and the Zumba girl was good too! I think I am going to try to go at 5:30 in the morning, because I find if I go to the gym early in the morning I kind of forget that I went, then later in the day I will think "boo I have to go to the gym" only to happily realize I already went!

For the next two weeks I really want to stick to the "diet solution" low sugar meal plans. They really did work in March when I tried them. I will start tomorrow, because right now I don't have the right food in my house to follow it completely. I think doing this in the summer is going to be significantly harder than doing it in February/March. If you have been following along, you will realize I fell of track the minute the weather got nicer. Suddenly, I didn't want to be inside cooking and thinking about healthy food. I wanted to get out, go out, and enjoy the sunshine (and junky food that goes with it.)

Summer to me is nachoes, and ice tea, and ice cream, and patio drinks etc etc etc. I also need to work on what I eat if I go out. I need to realize that getting a salad at a restaurant is ok, especially if it was someone else's idea to go out to eat in the first place. Also, eating out is expensive and it is wayyy too easy to do here. I will definitely need to watch that!

So Day 10:
Fitness..1 hour at the gym cardio and weight circuit.
Food...lots of bread and carbs. Toast for Breakfast, granola for 2nd breakfast (I got up at 4:30, I needed something to eat at 8:00). PB+J for lunch. Yogurt, almonds, blueberrys and an all bran bar. Way not enough veggies going on.

Ok Spinach... it is time for me and you be be besties again!