Starting Point

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 18- Nom Nom Exercise

Hola World!
So after my depressing blogs about me trying to get back into this totally typical weight loss challenge, I have officially gotten back on track and loving it!

On Sunday night I took some time made a fitness schedule and a food schedule and decided to stick with it. I realized I don't really have a hobby at the moment, so this is my new hobby. I used to do Student Goverment stuff at university, and that was my hobby. And there were some days where I didn't want to go to meetings/hold meetings/plan meetings etc, but I did anyway, so the gym is kind of the same. I know somedays I won't want to go, but I am just going to do it. And the after effects of the gym are way cooler than sitting in meetings :).

I went to Body Flow (Yogapilaties) yesterday which included a 25 minute power walk to the gym and a 25 minute not so power walk back. It was an awesome work out and really relaxing. Today I did "Awesome Abs" a 15 minute ab workout and then Body Pump right after work and now I am very sore. The body pump instructor is awesome! My shoulders are dying a little right now, but in a good way! And the fun continues all week!

Food wise I have made my own diet plan (maybe I will be super successful and market it and make millions...haha!). I have combined the "Diet Solution" low sugar, low carbs...with Canada's Food Guide (CFG)!Yay!!
Everyday I am eating 7 servings of fruits and vegs (mostly vegs and berries), 2 servings of dairy (plain greek yogurt, cottage cheese). This fits CFG. Where I differ is I am eating is 5 servings of protein (instead of the 2-3 recommended)    and 3 servings of Grains (instead of 5-10). So a typical day looks like this:
B- Cheerios, milk and blueberries
S- Almonds
L-Egg (I looovee eggs) spinach, mushrooms, green onions and yogurt and raspberries for dessert
S- Apple
Pre Gym Supper- Spinach, Tomatos, Chickpeas, Half a pita, some olive oil and spices
Post Gym- Supper Same as above without the pita!

I had a little cheat today, one of the girls at work was handing out small pastries and I took one without even thinking. I immediately regretted it!  Speaking of cheats I have scheduled in one non diet meal a week, like sushi or thai food!

Now time to go make lunch/supper for the next few days!

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