Starting Point

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 27-29 I'm sooorreeee

Today I did a Core Attack class (1 hour of 7:30 am..go) and then I went to Zumba tonight. Yesterday I did the trainer circuit that I learned last week. So tonight, I am beat. Plus side it is only Tuesday and I already have 3 workouts in! My Zumba pass runs out in 3 weeks so to get my money's worth, I have to go to every class. Money is a huge motivation for me to work out haha.

I also did groceries today, and I always unpack my groceries onto the table in the kitchen, and then put them away. It reminds me of the BBC/W Network Show "You Are What You Eat." In one part of the show this nutritionist would come into the person's home and spread out what they eat in a month, and it would be chips, and fries, and take-out, and grossness. And it was all brown. Then she would show them the healthy diet table. To me the healthy table always looked sooo much better.

So today I put my food out on the table and this was the result:
Half Veggies and Fruit (Spinach, apples, clementines, asparagus and more), 1/4 Protein (whole chicken, fish, natural mixed nuts and hummus etc), 1/8 Dairy (Skim milk, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese), 1/8 Grains (Brown Rice, Quinoa, and Split Grain Bread). This is also similar to Canada's food guide, so I know I am not doing a crazy fad diet. 

My supper menu for the next couple of days is:
Tuesday: Small Steak, Sweet Potato and Veggies
Wednesday: Slow cooked chicken with veggies and brown rice
Thursday: Veggie Chili with Quinoa
I am excited, even though it is healthy food, it is still delicious!

I did my weekly weigh in tonight, and as I expected I didn't loose any last week..positive note I didn't gain any either. Hopefully next week's results will make up for it!

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