Starting Point

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 32-34 Monday

In my last post I had a bona-fide plan for the drinks, control portions, and exercise to work off the sugar.  Fun fact, that was much easier said than done! Friday wasn't too bad. I didn't follow my no drink rule, but I kept it to a minimum (2 actually) but I did eat all my delicious supper and cheese cake (it was too good to say no). I went to Pub Trivia after the banquet, and then my friends wanted to stop at McDonalds on the way home. I got the fruit smoothie instead of fries and it was good.

Saturday wasn't a good day at all, I had lots of coffee, lots of maple sugar, and then lots of celebrations at the event on Saturday (and snacky junk food, oh no). I woke up on Sunday feeling parched and guilty.

It is strange that on the weekend, when I have more free time, I end up never exercising. I think it is because weekends are when everyone else is free too, so I would rather sleep in and hang out with my friends than go to the gym, or exercise. The weather is getting warmer, and all of my school friends/boyfriend are almost done their term, so hopefully I will be able to be healthier on the weekends by convincing them to join me for walks, or tennis or something!

I have still not managed to make it to the gym 5 times in one week, last week was so close! This week I have a good feeling though. I have 4 hours of Zumba/Aqua Zumba booked in, so all I need is one other work out. Today was a non-work out day (not sure why) so hopefully the week will just improve from here.

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