Starting Point

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 35-37 Numbers

Tonight was another weigh in. I lost 0.2 pounds from last week. I also weighed myself right after dinner so that may have impacted it. But at least it is losing something and not gaining anything.

According to my spreadsheet where I keep track of my food and my exercise and my weigh ins, if I continue on this track I will not reach my goal by the June 1st. I will be around 5 pounds off. Which wouldn't be the end of the world, but would still be frustrating. I also did a calculation (because I am nerd) and at Day 37/100, I should have lost %37 percent of my total (16) so I should have lost 5.7 pounds so far. I have only lost 3.2 (really thats all...booo). So I am off by 2.5 pounds. That doesn't seem like a huge number, so maybe I will get back on track by the 50 day mark.

I know weight isn't everything, and I can tell visually that I have lost weight. Dresses and skirts fit looser, and jeans are back to being comfy again. I feel way more comfortable in my bathing suit at Aqua Zumba then I did in January. All of these are good things. Since January I have lost 7.2 pounds, and being 5'2" this does actually make a difference.

This week hasn't been going too well because I have been sicky the past day and a bit. Last night right before Aqua Zumba I started feeling a sore throat, but I went to exercise hoping that would help. It didn't. I had no energy, and came home and literally crashed into bed and fell asleep for two hours. Today I felt better, but still not at %100, and when I feel sick, I want food...specifically carbs. Like toast, and pasta. So today I had more carbs than normal, but at least they were whole wheat. Hopefully I will feel better for Zumba/Aqua Zumba tomorrow! 


  1. Congrats :) It sounds like you're making AMAZING progress.

    As a helpful suggestion, having several smaller meals throughout the day instead of 3 larger ones can help boost metabolism, as can focusing on strength training rather than cardio - muscle burns through calories faster than fat, so even at rest you will be burning more :) (or so my Wii Fit tells me - I don't know though, that trainer is kind of a bitch).

    I don't know what exactly your grand master plan is, so maybe you're doing both of these things already! But I thought I'd just... ya know. Let you know about these little tricks that might help you reach your goal and speed up your weight loss :)

    Sorry if this is like... annoying :s I'm going for helpful! Anyway - kudos to you! :) Seriously.

  2. Oooh, also?? I have some AMAZING vegetarian recipes if you're looking for new ideas. :)

  3. THANKS!!!
    And it was totally helpful (not annoying at all!) I am trying to do more strength training, but I tend to be more excited about Cardio lol! And the Vegetarian Recipes sound awesome!

    And I agree about the wii fit trainer, the man one is much nicer! Also, we should go for another walk/run at some point!

  4. We definitely should! Maybe go walk the waterfront one of these gorgeous spring days - though it's supposed to snow on friday, wtf?

    I'll send you some recipes later today when I'm busy procrastinating ;)
